2010년 6월 1일 화요일


What is the white vegetable that comes with Sashimi?
If you order Sashimi in a Japanese restaurant there is something that must accompany with the order and that is the julienned white radish. The radish is thinly julienned and the Sashimi is placed on top
Why is the julienned radish served with the Sashimi?
Is it used because Sashimi is expensive and so to make it look like there is a lot more served? Or maybe it is to make it look like a higher quality by putting clean and white julienned radish. Why not serve with Chinese cabbage or carrots julienned? To answer the question first, it is not for decoration or to cheat the eye and it must not be replaced with any other vegetable.
The fish fat contains EPA, which is known to prevent adult diseases and DHA, which is known to stimulate the brain cells, and so because of these qualities it is known to be one of the higher quality food compared to others. 고도볼포화 fat content EPA and DHA is an excellent health product for our body.
But even good foods can have side effects. The fish fat and oxygen are a good couple and compared to the beef fat oxidation is much faster and when oxidation occurs the effectiveness of EPA and DHA starts to fall and at one point it could have ill effect on the body.
The julienned radish does this by blocking the oxidation. The julienned radish contains abundant vitamin C and the Sashimi’s oxidation is blocked by the nutrition of the radish. The Sashimi dish also contains ginger which contains a lot of vitamin E and also serve to block the oxidation from occurring.
Therefore recently, in America, as the Japanese restaurants number has increased and as more people enjoy eating Japanese food, they are educated to eat the julienned radish along with the Sashimi. Both in Korea and in Japan they understand the real taste of the julienned radish but in America the radish is not enjoyed as much. At times we might suggest eating the radish with soy sauce and with this maybe start to understand the real taste of the radish.
-chef choo-

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