2010년 6월 1일 화요일

sake toro( fatty salmon)

Why is there a white shiny silver skin attached to the Salmon sashimi when it is ordered?
Salmon contain a lot of Omega 3, especially in the belly of the fish. But when the outer skin is taken off and if the white inner skin is removed the Omega 3 is destroyed. Also it show the skill of the Chef and how much experience the Chef has.
So what is Omega 3 and let’s compare it to other fishes.
Omega 3 is a type of unsaturated fat and it is a required fat the body needs. It does not get produced by the body internally and can only be obtained by consuming food. Once the Omega 3 that is in the food come into the body and gets absorbed, it prevents the veins from constricting and the body from infections. Also it blocks the build up of bad cholesterols and blood clots. Therefore Omega 3 is known and useful not only for heart problems, but also known to prevent brain seizures and cancers.
Then what kind of food contains abundant supply of Omega 3.
Sampling 100g’s of different type of fish and analyzing the Omega 3 fat content, tune back region contained 0.24g, and flounder had 1.02g. The white meat fish on the average contained low contents of Omega 3.
On the contrary, red meat fish like the salmon contained 2.18g of Omega 3.Fishes with blue back, like the mackerel, contained 5.2g of Omega 3. Even in same tuna the belly area’s Omega 3 content was 5.8g.
The blue back fishes contain a lot of fat and therefore Omega 3 fat content is high. Also the blue back fishes have a distinct characteristic of eating a lot of ocean plant life that contains a lot of Omega 3 and so the fat get stored in the hypodermis.
-chef choo-

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