2010년 11월 7일 일요일

Ocean trout

Ocean trout(Beni sake)

"Beni Sake Roulade" : Sashimi style, cilantro stalk and gobo wrapped with sliced ocean trout and asparagus spears, lemon zest with basil-miso vinaigrette!!

Mackerel( Saba)

sprinkle sea salt for 2hour

marinated vinegar for 3hour with gonbu,lemon

2010년 9월 1일 수요일

Zensai roll

zensai roll
snowcrab delight,cucumber,radish,masago and shiso leaves with peanut ponzu dipping sauce

Chilli-pepper Salmon

Seared fatty salmon with Japanese chilli-pepper, garlic powder, seasalt, and crushed black peppercorn with Dill-Wasabi cream sauce

2010년 6월 24일 목요일

New Japanese Tapas

signature dishes.

Choo-Choo roll- Spicy tuna, cucumber, avocado, with blackened tuna, crumbled goat cheese and honey wasabi sauce on top.

HU-CHU(7 Blackend tuna)- Fresh tuna w/ 7 kinds of different pepper. Lightly seared & topped with crumbled goat cheese & honey-wasabi sauce

2010년 6월 22일 화요일

2010년 6월 9일 수요일

Seafood Filo

shrimp, scallop, avocado, and masago mixed with creamy ginger salsa. Serverd with potato filo.

2010년 6월 1일 화요일

sake toro( fatty salmon)

Why is there a white shiny silver skin attached to the Salmon sashimi when it is ordered?
Salmon contain a lot of Omega 3, especially in the belly of the fish. But when the outer skin is taken off and if the white inner skin is removed the Omega 3 is destroyed. Also it show the skill of the Chef and how much experience the Chef has.
So what is Omega 3 and let’s compare it to other fishes.
Omega 3 is a type of unsaturated fat and it is a required fat the body needs. It does not get produced by the body internally and can only be obtained by consuming food. Once the Omega 3 that is in the food come into the body and gets absorbed, it prevents the veins from constricting and the body from infections. Also it blocks the build up of bad cholesterols and blood clots. Therefore Omega 3 is known and useful not only for heart problems, but also known to prevent brain seizures and cancers.
Then what kind of food contains abundant supply of Omega 3.
Sampling 100g’s of different type of fish and analyzing the Omega 3 fat content, tune back region contained 0.24g, and flounder had 1.02g. The white meat fish on the average contained low contents of Omega 3.
On the contrary, red meat fish like the salmon contained 2.18g of Omega 3.Fishes with blue back, like the mackerel, contained 5.2g of Omega 3. Even in same tuna the belly area’s Omega 3 content was 5.8g.
The blue back fishes contain a lot of fat and therefore Omega 3 fat content is high. Also the blue back fishes have a distinct characteristic of eating a lot of ocean plant life that contains a lot of Omega 3 and so the fat get stored in the hypodermis.
-chef choo-


What is the white vegetable that comes with Sashimi?
If you order Sashimi in a Japanese restaurant there is something that must accompany with the order and that is the julienned white radish. The radish is thinly julienned and the Sashimi is placed on top
Why is the julienned radish served with the Sashimi?
Is it used because Sashimi is expensive and so to make it look like there is a lot more served? Or maybe it is to make it look like a higher quality by putting clean and white julienned radish. Why not serve with Chinese cabbage or carrots julienned? To answer the question first, it is not for decoration or to cheat the eye and it must not be replaced with any other vegetable.
The fish fat contains EPA, which is known to prevent adult diseases and DHA, which is known to stimulate the brain cells, and so because of these qualities it is known to be one of the higher quality food compared to others. 고도볼포화 fat content EPA and DHA is an excellent health product for our body.
But even good foods can have side effects. The fish fat and oxygen are a good couple and compared to the beef fat oxidation is much faster and when oxidation occurs the effectiveness of EPA and DHA starts to fall and at one point it could have ill effect on the body.
The julienned radish does this by blocking the oxidation. The julienned radish contains abundant vitamin C and the Sashimi’s oxidation is blocked by the nutrition of the radish. The Sashimi dish also contains ginger which contains a lot of vitamin E and also serve to block the oxidation from occurring.
Therefore recently, in America, as the Japanese restaurants number has increased and as more people enjoy eating Japanese food, they are educated to eat the julienned radish along with the Sashimi. Both in Korea and in Japan they understand the real taste of the julienned radish but in America the radish is not enjoyed as much. At times we might suggest eating the radish with soy sauce and with this maybe start to understand the real taste of the radish.
-chef choo-

Madai (Seabream,Red snapper)

Madai (seabream,red snapper)
Red Snapper types like Madai and other types like Gurodai, Amadai, Jidai, etc, exist, but out of all of them the one with the most outstanding taste is Madai with a shimmering pink shine. Madai possesses a symmetrical body with brilliant colors and all around luxurious taste that it has been called the “Queen of the ocean fishes” in both Korea and Japan.
Also the Red Snapper does not have “anything to throw away”. The body of course but the inners and the skin are also eatable. When cleanly washed, the inners are put into a soup which can brings out a deep taste. The liver can be eaten raw and as it slowly melts in your mouth and it tastes like foei gras (goose liver). Red Snapper are also famous for their tasty skin, so Red Snapper with skin is called Massgawa (Pine tree bark).
If you use boiling water and pour it on the Red Snapper’s skin 2 to 3 times it will cook only the skin and you can eat the Red Snapper, skin and all, and take in the B2 nutrition that is part of the skin and enjoy the two different types of texture it provides.
Red Snapper’s are not only known for their taste but also by their health qualities. Red Snapper’s Vitamin A and Vitamin B’s Niacin are plenty and 무기염류 potassium and calcium is also in abundance. Also the excessive amount of calcium in Red Snapper’s for life’s purpose is very effective for high blood pressure.
Currently in US frozen Red Snappers and Red Snappers imported from Japan is mainly used, but frozen Red Snappers has their skins removed. So you can only taste the skins from the non-frozen Red Snappers.
-chef choo-

Banana egg roll with Ice cream

Homemade banana and chocolate egg roll with vanilla ice cream.

Tuna Tartare

Fresh tuna, mango, avocado, green onion, sesame oil mixed with creamy miso dressing, and parmesan cheese.

Natto tuna

Fresh tuna with natto (fermented soybean), sesame oil, green onion, cucumber, and smelt roe.
What's Natto?
Nattō (なっとう or 納豆?) is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis. It's a rich source of Protein, and provides Vitamin B12 that tends to lack in vegetarian diet.


Seared Sea Scallop marinated in Garlic soya with avocado, mango, salsa and ginger-tomato puree.

Oyako 親子 (parents and children)

Fresh salmon, green onion, yamagobo wrapped with crispy salmon skin, and grilled. Salmon roe (ikura) on top with sweet sauce.

Jalapeno Tuna Tempura

Spicy tuna, pickled jalapeno, cream cheese and green onion wrapped with dried seaweed, then lightly batter fried. Served with Orange ponzu sauce.

2010년 5월 31일 월요일

Tuna Gravlax

Fresh tuna marinated in miso & sea salt for 24 hours. Served with wasabi tobiko, honey wasabi sauce and julienned potato chips.

2010년 5월 30일 일요일

2010년 5월 28일 금요일

(Sang-Sun) Usuzukuri

Sliced seabass,red snapper and flounder,sea salt,garlic chips,green onion with cilantro-ponzu sauce


snowcrab in marinated sesami oil,green onion wrapped with sliced avocado and honey sour cream with tempura flake,tobiko

Hiramasa( Baby yellowtail)

sashimi style, Sliced baby yellowtail, jalapeno and korean chili pasto with orange ponzu sauce
Hiramasa( Baby yellowtail)